A Mum Reviews Devonshire Acupuncture

 13th July 2015

Take a look at the review from Sheffield blogger, A Mum Reviews. Her blog basically does what it says on the tin- she is a Mum and she reviews things! All sorts of things that might interest mums and mums to be.

As Petra mentions in her review acupuncture can be used to treat lots of conditions which are all too familiar to mums  back pain, chronic fatigue, headaches, migraines, sleep disorders and stress. It’s also known to be useful for treating conditions related to fertility, period cycles and pregnancy, such as endometriosis, infertility, heavy periods, menopause issues, menstrual pains, morning sickness, post-natal depression and PMS and is a good alternative if you don’t want to use lots of medication.


Both the clinic and Simon’s treatment gets a big thumbs up as you will see from the article A Mum Reviews.