

    Olympian, Rebecca Adlington as the face of Acupuncture Awareness Week, was promoting traditional acupuncture for sports injuries on Good Morning Britain this morning.
    Watch the video clip to find out more…..

  • Acupuncture for Sheffield Prostate Cancer Sufferers

    Sheffield’s specialist cancer hospital is throwing its weight behind an innovative trial in acupuncture which is set improve the lives of men with prostate cancer. This is particularly interesting for us at Devonshire Acupuncture as we plan to start running a multi-bed clinic one day a week where we will offer reduced […]

  • Breathe Pilates Studio

    New Developments Afoot
    Starting in January 2016 Simon will be joining the team at Breathe Pilates Studio for one afternoon/evening a week to run an acupuncture clinic from the Studio.
    We are excited about this new development and look forward to working closer with the therapists based here.
    Simon will continue to work […]

  • Golf

    Simon is a keen golfer and all to aware of the pressures that golf can put on the body. He has used acupuncture over the years to treat various injuries, aches and pains and ensure that he can continue to play and enjoy the sport. We thought we should share this information with fellow golfers out there […]

  • VF01

    A Big Thank You!
    We wanted to say a Big Thank you to the ladies at the Manor Circle Friendship Group for inviting us to speak at last Friday’s meeting. You are a lovely fun bunch and we really enjoyed ourselves.
    Simon explained how acupuncture worked and demonstrated some acupuncture points on a willing volunteer f […]

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