Simon Brooks

Acupuncturist, LicAc MBAcC
Get In Touch

I qualified from the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in 1997.

Since that time I have treated hundreds of patients for various conditions.

Rewriting this in 2020, 23 years into my practice, the biggest motivation for me is still the rapport I strike up with my patients. People come with varying degrees of suffering, but I feel whatever the situation, it helps if the experience is positive and enjoyable.

From good quality rapport comes good quality treatment.

I would never call myself a healer of any kind; more a facilitator, enabling with my skills to heal themselves: getting there Qi flowing again!

Devonshire Acupuncture is a great peaceful place in the centre of Sheffield. A place that benefits my patients’ healing.

"I have an ongoing back problem after two spinal fusion operations. My mobility is always vastly improved after treatment and pain levels are kept under control. I find Simon very easy to talk to and he has a very genuine desire to help make everyone’s life a little easier to manage. I thoroughly recommend treatment and my husband and daughter are also having treatment- it’s easy to give my support to coming here!"